Yesterday I mentioned the phenomenon of "shoaling," which has become an epidemic here in New York City due to the increasing numbers of bicycle commuters. But while some shoals are noteworthy due to their size, others are impressive due to their artfulness. Consider this shoal I witnessed recently at the corner of Vanderbilt Avenue and Fulton Street in Brooklyn (which is sort of the Galapagos Islands of bike shoals due to their abundance and diversity):As you can see, one of the riders of which this modest two-man shoal is comprised is on the sidewalk. This in itself is unremarkable. However, what is remarkable is how he got there. Coming up the left side, he rode all the way into the intersection past all the other riders, circled right, hopped the curb, and 360 degrees later finally came to a stop on the corner:
This sweeping maneuver was positively balletic in its execution, and I could not help but marvel at its pointlessness. It somehow managed to evoke modern dance, sailing, and the way some dogs circle a spot on the floor before lying down on it, all at the same time. I'm not sure if he was insecure about clipping out of his pedals and was unsuccessfully searching for something to grab hold of, or if he simply likes to arrive at intersections with a flourish, like a debutante twirling upon entering the room. Either way, despite my distaste for shoals, I must admit it was fabulous.
1) Bikepath is:
--Spain is lovely this time of year
--He wants to complete a "Grand Slam" by breaking a bone in all three Grand Tours in a single season
--A "Middle-Aged Man in Lycra"
--An extreme minimalist
--A class of warm-blooded animal where, like, the baby comes out of its vagina
--Indicating the "beefiness" of the bottom bracket junction
--Explaining the so-called "ThinBike"
--Helping the bicycle to make a baby, like, come out of its vagina
The "Mojo Bike Fixed Gear Fixie" is all about:
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